On The Cards (digital ebook)

On The Cards (digital ebook)

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"The dedication is worthy of Mark Twain or any of the other great humorous writers, and we doubt if any of them has hit upon such a quaint conceit." - The Herald (Melbourne, VIC / Wed 29 Dec, 1875).

"Melbourne should be proud of such a production", "A Literary & Creative Masterpiece". Set in fairly old times Australia, crowded with unfamiliar, fancy and comical characters, Charley, the protagonist, quickly finds his place, as an English gentleman in the search of his lost sister, on a theater stage in the middle of the night. Completely oblivious of the night to come, he witnesses a tragedy that will unfold a new reality for him. Hence the adventure begins, with a strange ghostly interlude entirely unexpected in a story that starts as a wordy moderate fiction. And it does not go any slow. An Oriental Djinn with a deck of cards and his uncanny and sometimes weird exhibitions come and go in no time. Flowing, illustrious and poetic: this piece is completely different from an everyday-fiction. This neat amalgam of comical performances, a conundrum of future and desperation of union which was forgotten in the pages of history must unite a modern audience. You will also find real advertisements from the original book published in 1875. After the success of Collector's Edition book made possible through the crowdfunding website Kickstarter, this is now available as an ebook for all of you to enjoy!!! If you are a fan of fiction or Australian history or Pantomimes, you will love this work.

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